Music KS3 - Cubase Lesson 2

Lesson objective

  • To identify and arrange texture in Clean Bandit’s - Rather Be
  • To be able to use basic functions in Cubase to arrange EDM


  1. Identify the textures of Clean Bandit’s - Rather Be
  2. What is Texture?
  3. How does Clean Bandit use texture?
  4. What points have a thick full texture and what parts are thin and sparse?

Practical Task

  1. Continue arranging Clean Bandit’s - Rather Be so that your loops sound like the song.

Plenary - Self check

  • Where in your piece is there a change in texture?
  • Do you think there is a big enough difference between the thin and thick sections of the song, e.g. between the verse and the chorus?
  • If not how could you improve this?