Key Stage 3 Music - African Music

Lesson 6

Lesson Objectives

  • Learn how to refine our compositions. Learn how to set individual and group targets.

Task 1

Continue learning "Babethandaza". If possible, aim to add a harmony to the song. Your teacher will film your vocal performance using the iPad and save it on your video feedback files.

Sin nje nje nje ngemi thandazo (x2)

Ngemi thandazo, Ngemi thandazo (x2)

Oo mama babudale, Babethandaza (x2)

Babethandaza, Babethandaza (x2)

Task 2 - Video feedback and setting targets (Homestudy)

Have your planner ready to share your homestudy set from last lesson - WWW and EBI. Your teacher will choose one person from each group to discuss their findings from homestudy. 

Once you are in your groups, share your targets (if you haven't done so already) and decide what your individual and group targets are for today's rehearsal.

Understanding Understand musical instructions in a class ensemble and identify simple repeated patterns heard in African music. Understand how the musical elements can be used to create different moods and effects in African music. Understand how rhythm and some other musical devices can fit together to create a secure performance/composition. Can identify how the different musical elements are combined and used expressively in African songs.
Music making skills

Can sing with a sense of the shape of the melody.

Can repeat short rhythmic and melodic patterns.

Can sing in tune with expression or perform rhythmically simple parts to a steady pulse.

Can arrange an African drumming piece within simple structures (e.g. beginning middle and end) in response to given starting points.

Can maintain their own part in their African ensemble performance performing by ear or from simple notations.

Can combine some musical elements and devices successfully developing ideas within musical structures.

Can maintain their own part with awareness of how the different parts fit together adapting their part to achieve a stylistic effect.

Can combine musical elements and devices and develop ideas stylistically within musical structures.

Continue to plan your group drumming composition and develop the piece for a performance.

Remember, it must include the following musical elements for it to be successful:


  • A steady beat.
  • A clear structure (beginning, middle and end or ABA)
  • Polyrhythms (including a syncopated rhythm).
  • Call and copy.
  • Call and response (with the response being clearly improvised and in time).
  • Dynamics (loud and quiet sections to make it exciting).
  • Solo sections.
  • Optional - vocals from the song Babethandaza

Task 3 - Optional

Teacher to film 1 or 2 groups on the iPad and discuss positive features of the piece with them.


Have 1 group perform to the class. Students to use the success criteria and give feedback (WWW and EBI).