Key Stage 3 Music - Folk Music

Lesson 5

Lesson Objectives

  • Learn how to perform as part of an ensemble.
  • Know how to use a success criteria to comment on other performances and improve our own.


Watch these 2 videos of an ensemble performance. What was successful? What could be improved? Use the success criteria in your work book to help you.

In groups, you will be rehearsing and performing one of these songs:

Success Criteria

  • Expression - think of the lyrics and how you can express the story when singing.
  • Expression - use dynamics, tempo, phrasing and timbre.
  • Make sure you are in tune and in time with others.
  • Perform your part from memory.
  • Use the correct techniques when singing (correct posture, control of breathing, use of diaphragm)
  • Make sure your performance is in an order and everyone knows what to follow
  • Make sure your performance is unique and interesting to watch - have solo parts, group parts etc.
  • Enjoy performing your song!

TIP: Is there anything on the success criteria you don't understand? Check with someone in your group if you are unsure, or check a key word using the wall display in the classroom.

Evaluating another group

You are going to evaluate another group performance using the success criteria above. The groups who perform will be filmed using the class Ipad and feedback and targets will also be filmed for students to listen back to. Be prepared to answer the following...

  • What went well?
  • What could be improved?
  • How could they improve it?