Key Stage 3 Music - Pop Music

Lesson 12

Lesson Objectives

  • Rehearse and perform our chosen pop song ready for assessment.
  • Learn how to use the success criteria to help us improve.


Discuss with your partner what your targets are for today's final rehearsal and performance. Share your targets with your teacher/the class before you start rehearsing.

Practical - Performance Assessment

Your teacher will set a performance time for today's lesson. This will be your final assessment for this unit. Each pair will be given a number. This will be the running order for today's performances. All of you will be filmed as part of your assessment. Remember, this is equivalent to you submitting your final piece of coursework for any other subject, so make sure you are focused and are putting in 100% effort!


Are you and your partner playing your part correctly and in the correct order?

Are you using the correct hand for the part/parts you are playing?

Have you chosen a part that challenges you enough and is not too easy? (Your teacher will be able to tell if it is too easy for you!)

Are you and your partner playing in time to create a fluent piece of music?

Have you chosen a suitable tempo (speed) for your piece?

Are you rehearsing your part slowly so that you can transition between chords/parts easily?

If there is singing included, can the melody line be heard over the keyboard? Is it sung with confidence?

Have you included dynamics (e.g. loud, quiet) to make your piece more interesting?


Your final performances will be available to watch on your Video Feedback on MyHighcliffe. For homestudy, complete the response box attached to the video and evaluate your own performance using WWW, EBI and CTG. Make sure that this is completed in detail.