Key Stage 3 Music - African Music

Lesson 2

Lesson Objectives

  • Understand how African drumming uses interlocking rhythms.
  • Begin to learn note values through word rhythms and African drumming.

Task 1

Recap key words learnt from last lesson:


4/4 time signature

Call and Copy

Call and Response


Below is a grid that has 4 rows of different rhythms. Your teacher will split you in to 4 groups and allocate you a row (A, B, C or D). Have a go at clapping your allocated row. You will then layer up the four rows as a class.

Extension: Swap the rhythms around between groups. Can you add another sound/timbre to your rhythm to make it sound more interesting?

Task 2

What can we hear happening when we layer many rhythms?

Polyrhythm - playing many rhythms at the same time.

Below is picture that uses words to create rhythms. Your teacher will demonstrate all of them. Have a go at copying them. We will then perform a few of these rhythms and layer them up as a class to create a polyrhythmic piece. Your teacher will then film you using the Ipad.

Image result for teaching rhythm image