Music Key Stage 3 - Find your Voice
During this unit you will:
- learn to play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using your voice musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression.
- learn to understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure.
- learn to improvise and compose music on your own and with others; and extend and develop musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures, styles, genres and traditions.
What am I looking for?
- Understand musical instructions in a class ensemble and identify simple repeated patterns heard in vocal music.
- Understand how the musical elements can be used to create different moods and effects in vocal music.
- Understand how musical devices are used to create expressive vocal music that reflect time and place.
- Understand the musical processes and contexts of vocal music.
How will I show my understanding?
You will show your understanding through practical and listening tasks and group/class discussions. Some of the conversations may be filmed as evidence using the class Ipad
Skills-Music Making:
- You can sing (perform) with awareness of others with a sense of the shape of the melody.
- You can repeat short rhythmic and melodic patterns.
- You are able to follow a steady pulse to stay in time and sing vocal riffs in tune and with expression.
- You are able to beat box two different timbres (sounds)
- You are able to perform in time and in tune and sing the words clearly. You are able to sing more complicated riffs and develop them to sound like a different instrument.
- You can beat box three or more timbres and perform with rhythmic fluency
- You are confident to sing both riffs and melody. You can perform two contrasting riffs and develop to sound like different instruments. You can develop the rhythm of the riffs.
- You are confident in expressing ideas and leading others in the ensemble. You can beat box three or more timbres and will use a variety of different rhythms
How will I show my music making skills?
You will show your musical ability and creative skills through performance and group tasks. There will be opportunities for you to perform as a soloist too. All work will be filmed using the class Ipad to show progress throughout this unit. You can access this via MyHighcliffe - Video Feedback. You are encouraged to show this to your parents too so they can see what progress you are making in Music