Key Stage 3 Music - The Blues
In this topic you will learn how the Blues uses:
- 12 bar blues structure.
- Primary triads.
- Simple melodic phrases.
- Expressive lyrics.
By the end of this topic, you will be able to:
- Play the 12 bar blues on the keyboard.
- Explain how the blues uses the primary triads.
- Identify key music features of Blues songs though listening exercises.
- Compose your own stylistic lyrics to a Blues song.
What am I looking for?
In this topic I will be looking for you to demonstrate:
- You can play the root note of the chord in time on your own.
- You identify how the blues uses different chords in a set structure – the 12 bar blues.
- You can identify some elements in a piece of Blues music that reflects where the Blues comes from.
- You can tell me where the Blues came from.
- You can play the chords in time using some different rhythms.
- You can play in time with another student with a sense of how chords, melody and bass lines fit together.
- You can identify the key features of Blues music from listening using the correct musical vocabulary.
- You can explain how musical ideas relate to the history of the Blues.
- You can play the chords and a bass part in time using two hands and different off-beat rhythms from memory.
- You can play your part in time with others and lead the performance.
- You can compose your own version of the 12 bar blues that sounds stylistic.
- You can tell me the features in a Blues piece of music and how they reflect the roots of the Blues.
- You can describe how the music reflects where it would be performed and by whom.
- You can perform the Blues using stylistic rhythms and your own version of the chords with two hands.
- You are confident when performing with others and help to make the performance musical by using dynamics and phrasing.
- You can identify key features in a Blues piece that are from different influences and you can evaluate the pieces you hear.