Key Stage 3 Music - Music for Soundscapes

Lesson 6

Lesson Objectives

  • •Learning how to evaluate a composition: 'What can I do to improve?'

Task 1

Develop extended composition using your target from last lesson.

Produce a final recording on the keyboard ready for performance and assessment.

Task 2

Listen to another students composition and complete the table below in your book. Tick the box if you agree, and put a cross in the box if you do not.

Write down the Name of Performers:

  • The choice of timbres/instruments are suitable for their chosen mood.
  • They have used appropriate musical devices effectively (e.g., pitch patterns and note durations).
  • They have created a texture and the layers sound like they "fit" together.
  • They have used dynamics effectively to express their chosen mood.
  • They have managed to reflect the chosen emotion through the music.

Task 3

Complete Homestudy 3 describing what musical devices you used in your composition and how you created your intended mood/feelings.

Write about what was successful about your piece.

Write about what other ideas you could use to improve your piece next time.