Key Stage 3 Music - Folk Music

Lesson 7

Lesson Objectives

  • Learn how to perform as part of an ensemble for an assessment.
  • Learn how to evaluate our own and others' performances.

By the end of this lesson:

  • All of you will perform as part of an ensemble.
  • All of you will learn how to peer assess another groups performance
  • All of you will share your feedback and targets to another group
  • Some of you will add expression to your performance
  • A few of you will include a solo, lead your group and provide a harmony to the melody line.

Vocal performances- Peer Assessment Task

Name of performers: (Your teacher will tell you which group you are assessing)

Look at each of the statements. Tick in the box to show where the performers are with their vocal performance.

ExcellentGoodOkayNeeds extra work
The singers are all singing the melody and are in tune with each other.
The singers are all in time with each other.
They have used musical devices effectively (i.e. Dynamics).
They have included their own creative ideas and have made it different to the original.
They are using good singing techniques (i.e. correct posture, breath control).
They are enjoying their performance.

What went well? How could they improve?

Now, using a different coloured pen, use this grid to evaluate your own performance and discuss your answers in your group. Will everyone have the same answers?

Use Your Initiative

Your final performances will be available to watch on your Video Feedback on MyHighcliffe. For homestudy, evaluate your own performance using the same grid above. What went well for you? How could you improve? Complete this ready for next lesson.