Starting up a project

  1. Turn on midi keyboard (make sure the two blue octave lights are on).
  2. Power up computer and log on.Load Cubase 6 (Under All programs > Images Video & Music).
  3. Select More highlight Empty and at the bottom of the window select Prompt for project location.
  4. Choose a location to start your project in the Music (B:) drive and start a New Folder and name this with the project title then press OK.

Choosing an Instrument

  1. On the blank project page look at the blank grey panels on the left of the screen.
  2. Right click on the lighter grey panel (the one on the right of the two).
  3. Select Add Instrument Track.
  4. To see a list of instrument select Browse.
  5. On the right hand side of this window is a list of all the instruments there are – to select one click once on one of these instruments and play the piano keyboard to hear what it sounds like.
  6. The right part of this window has some filters so for example if you want to find drum sounds you can select Drum&Perc and only the drums appear on the right – to deselect the filter just click Drum&Perc again.
  7. Once you’ve found your instrument press Add Track.
  9. To choose additional instruments just repeat this process from step 8 and right click on the blank part of the grey panel again.

You are now set up ready to compose

  1. Press record on the play bar.
  2. Start playing your music on the midi keyboard – you will see a coloured part appear in the white area of the screen with your music in it.
  3. Press stop when you’ve finished.
  4. Rewind to the beginning and press play to hear what you’ve recorded.
  6. If you don’t like it and want to redo it just click on the coloured part and press delete in the computer keyboard and start again.
  7. To record on a different instrument make sure the instrument you want next is highlighted before repeating the process from step 2.


Allow Cubase to FULLY close (even if it seems like it has 'crashed') BEFORE you log off.