- Try and attain a reasonable degree of skill on a keyboard – Grade 1 keyboard books are suitable. You should play the melody live and use step input to record a drum part.
- Research the equipment and sounds used. This may include trawling the Internet and patch libraries on the equipment for suitable timbres.
- Set the tempo and tempo track if required.
- Use a marker track to identify the structure of the song.
- Identify any repetitive motifs or hooks that can be sequenced and copied.
- Sequence the harmony then bass.
- Record the melody, tempo may need to be slowed down for this. Use the locators in the sequencer to record short sections.
- Use appropriate quantize for the style.
- Apply effects, pan and extra performance data such as expression and modulation .
- Mixdown to stereo .wav file.
- Master and burn.
Click here for the Mark Scheme
Task 1a – Tutorial on completing a past 1a task from 2010/11