Unit 2 - Task 2


You should each create at least one element of a promotional pack for the CD. In addition to the actual CD packaging, the pack should contain other essentials such as a press release, radio advert, or a website and don't forget adverts for the bulletin/screens/notice board posters.

Click to download the Bulletin Template.

Evidence Folder

  • A Production and Promotion Log (Click to download).
  • Annotated research material, promotional material drafts and notes showing your ideas and contributions.
  • Promotional materials, and links where appropriate.
  • A copy of the final product – CD with packaging.
  • Teacher observation and/or interim assessment records.

1. Create a prototype CD cover 

What needs to be included on your CD cover:

2. Research the industry promotion process when releasing an album.

Look at specific case studies using the links below.

Use this document to record your finding (Click to download).

Useful Links

The DIY Musician

39 Ways to market your Album

How to promote an album

Planetary Group - Music Promotion Guide

Promotion of the pink Floyd Vinyl Release