Digital Literacy Key Stage 3 - Python


In the last task you learnt how to work with numbers and display the answer. Today we will take this one step further to allow the user to enter numbers themselves.


Complete the section of the table on Page 5 your teacher shows you and use this for the task below:


Write code to answer the following:

Jennifer wants to carpet her new room with pink carpet. Create a program that will work out the area of any sized room (l x w). Save as "Square".

Create a program that will work out the area of any triangle (h x w). Save as "Triangle".

If you get time

Write a program to work out how many days you have been alive for? Save as "Age".


  • I have completed the explanation of page 5 of this booklet.
  • I have created a program to work out the size of a room.
  • I have created a program to work out the area of a triangle.
  • I have created a program to work out how many days I have been alive.