Year 8 Graphics - Development


You will need to find out about logo design and the best way to do this. You will have to think about colours and fonts and the ones that will fit in with your theme and appeal to your target market. You will have to understand about images and the best ones to use for printing and you will also have to understand some of the rules of good design so that your posters are FANTASTIC.

REMEMBER that all the things that you are learning here are brilliant for doing work in other subject areas too

To Start

  • Spot the Logo : see if you can identify the famous logos on the 'logo sheets'.
  • What do you notice about them?

Lesson Objectives

  • To create logos that reflect the chosen attraction in the way they are written.
  • To be able to explain why logos are best designed in a vector programme. 
  • To Keep It Simple (KIS) when it comes to logo design.

Success Criteria

Logo designs should:

  • Be simple and uncluttered
  • Be bold and distinctive
  • Appeal to the target market
  • Be eye-catching and memorable
  • Be legible
  • Use negative space well
  • Not have too many fonts or colours
  • Reflect the chosen attraction well
  • Have suitable colours 
  • Look good in black and white
  • Be designed as vector

Key Words

Simple, straightforward, vector, uncomplicated, symbol.

Question of the Lesson - What are some key things to bear in mind when designing a logo?


Individual Task 1

1. THINK of a name for your attraction.

2. IN YOUR BOOK write the name out in a descriptive  make the name reflect an aspect of your attraction. You may use colour for this and make these names LARGE.

3. Do at least two more of these.

Individual Task 2

1. In ILLUSTRATOR, create 3-4 simple black and white logo designs to go with your theme. 

2. Save these to your documents. You can go to File>Export and export them as JPEG's then import them into Word to print them OR you can screen capture them and put them in Word. 

3. Print these and stick them in your book. 

4. ANNOTATE these to explain your ideas.


Remember KIS: keep it simple - SIMPLE logo designs in one colour are better - you can always add colours later.


Below you will find the different files and information that you might need for Lesson 4.

Famous Logos

Famous Logos B/W

If You Finish

Design a more complicated logo this time, but still in one colour.

Home Study TWO

This needs to be completed to go with this lesson. You will find this on the Homework page (look at the links at the top when you hover on 'Theme Park').

Lesson 5: Colours and Fonts

To Start

In a group: match the colours and fonts to the theme using the laminated sheets provided.

Lesson Objectives

To describe how colour and font type can be used effectively to enhance a poster to fit in with a theme.

Key Words

Colour palette, clear, legible, contrast, ornate, illegible

Question of the Lesson - Explain why it is important to use colours and fonts that your target customer likes?


Individual Task One

1. Look at

  • Your inspiration board
  •  Your mind maps
  •  Your logo design
  •  The FLE poster examples

2. In your sketch book, produce a LIMITED palette of colours that will go with your chosen attraction and appeal to your target market.  

Tips Be creative: you can use watercolours, pencils, coloured paper, cut out paint charts to show your colour palette. Make sure that you put this into your book REALLY attractively.  Kuler is a programme that you can use to create colour palettes. 

Individual Task Two

1. Collect some different fonts that you think will go with your theme on an A4 page in Microsoft Word (because they are easy to see on the font list in Word.)

2. Make sure that they are quite BIG. (28-36 would be a good size).  

3. Print them, cut them out and stick them in your book - annotate to say why you have chosen them.


Colour Theory 

Posters [PPT] 

Link to Kuler 

If You Finish

Go back to the colour palette that you created and see if you can think of some names to go with the colours. Have a look at some paint chart booklets to see what sort of names are given to the colours in these.

Lesson 6: Good Design

To Start

  • In your group: Look at the poster examples that you have been given and together sort them into good and bad designs.
  • Discuss why you think some are good designs and why you think some are bad designs.
  • Class discussion and feedback: your teacher will write a list on the board of good and bad design features.

Lesson Objectives

To be able to describe features of good and bad design.

Key Words 

Contrast, Colours, Space, Grouping, Alignment, Balance, Images, Cluttered, Fonts, Legible

Questions of the Lesson - What are some of the key features of good design? Why are these important?        


Individual Task

1. You will be given a small picture of a bad poster and one of a good poster.

2. Stick these into your book and ANNOTATE them to show the good and bad design features. Look at the list that we did on the board.


When you are annotating, think about the things that you saw on the exemplar posters that you were given in your group. There is also a list on the right (under 'Files needed for Lesson 6 tasks).


Below you will find the different files and information that you might need for Lesson 6.

Good/Bad Posters

Lesson 6: Images

To Start

  • Look at some of the poster images on the VLE that you have looked at in other lessons.
  • How well do you think that the images fit with the poster designs?
  • Why do we have images on posters?

Lesson Objectives

  • To be able to describe features of image files in technical language.

Key Words

Resolution, Poor quality, Bitmap, High quality, Vector, Blocky, Pixels, Pixellated

Question of the Lesson - Explain why it is important to collect high resolution images from the internet.


Whole Class Activity

We will look at images as a whole class with the teacher demonstrating and you following each step on your computer.

If you forget, then there are some instructions under the 'Files for Lesson 7' heading on the right.

Individual Task One

1. Complete the worksheet on resolution.

2. Cut out the elements on the sheet and stick them into your book ATTRACTIVELY.

Individual Task Two

1. Collect some suitable HIGH RESOLUTION images that you could use for your poster design.

2. Save each one by right clicking it and saving it to your folder on ADT storage. Make sure that you save the large version of the image and not the thumbnail.

Individual Task Three

1. Go to Stock Xchng (the link is also on the right under 'Files for Lesson 7').

2. Log in: Username is Highcliffe, password is student.

3. Search for some suitable images and save them to your folder.


Below you will find the different files and information that you might need for Lesson 6.

Resolution Exercise

Stock Xchng

Resolution Worksheet

If You Finish

Make a list of the information and words that you think should go on your poster. Now decide what is the most important message of the poster and therefore which words should stand out the most. Write this down and explain your reasons. Are there any things on your list that you feel could be left off the poster.