Year 7 Graphics - Research


Before you begin to design your CD cover you need to find out information in order to make sure that it will appeal to the people that will like the theme park attraction you have chosen to advertise.

All good designers do a LOT of research before they design so that they are really familiar with the product they are advertising and the tastes of the people that are likely to want to buy the product. This is NOT just something that we make you do in school.

Research is REALLY Important!

Lesson 1: Introduction

To Start

  • Watch the 'preview' video to get an idea of what we are doing in Year 7 Graphics
  • Read the Task Frame to get a clearer idea of what we are doing in the next 7 weeks.

Lesson Objectives

  • Understand the task ahead
  • Be able to explain why we use a mind map.
  • Be able to construct a mind map.

Key Words

Mind map, graphic design.

Question of the Lesson - What is a mind map and why do we make one at the beginning of a project?


In a group:

  1. Choose a scribe for your group.
  2. LOOK at the CD cover that you have been given.
  3. Write down all the different things that are on the CD cover that you will need to consider before you design your own cover.

As a class:

Feedback from groups - a mind map will be built on the board using your suggestions.

Individual task:

Make a mind map on the theme of 'CD Cover' and write down everything that you can think about on this theme - grouping things into sensible categories.


Make your pages look ATTRACTIVE, you will be marked on this. You can use different pens and colours to do this. Be CREATIVE and IMAGINATIVE.


Task Frame


Lesson 2: Music Genres and Pop Art

To Start  

  1. LOOK at the mind map that you did last lesson.
  2. Try to add some more to this. Use Visuwords to help you.

Lesson Objectives

  • To describe common features of the Pop Art style
  • To be able to describe some different music genres
  • To select suitable fonts to compliment different genres of music.  

Key Words

Genres, Pop Art, fonts, suitability, block colour, repetition, Andy Warhol.

Question of the Lesson -

Why is it important to match the type of font to the music genre on a CD design?


As a class:

Watch the Music Genres Quiz and see how many different music genres you can identify 

Individual task:

  1. Open the 'Genres & Fonts' file.
  2. Collect three fonts to match each genre.
  3. Type the names of the fonts into the text boxes next to each picture.
  4. Resize the words to the width of the text boxes.
  5. Underneath each picture, give reasons for why you think the fonts that you chose go well with the genres.
  6. Print this off and stick it into your book 


Genres and Fonts

Pop art

If you finish

Find some music genres of your own and fonts to match.

Home Study 1

This needs to be completed by next double lesson.

You will find this on the Home Study page. Look at the links at the top.