Controlled Assessment - Research

You need to find out a lot about your product, your theme and the sort of people that will buy your product before you can begin designing.  

You should do about five pages of research:

Task analysis

Mood board

Shop and customer profile, comparative shop

Analysing existing products

Research analysis and design specification

Use the gallery to view the examples

Page Sheets

The links below will link you to the page guideline sheets that we use in class (the coloured laminated ones). These show you the sort of information that you need on the pages. For more detailed info on different sections, go to the 'How To' tab.

 General Information |  Task Analysis, Mood Board |  Project Analysis, Comparative Shop

How To

From the links below, you will be able to access the sheets that give you more detailed information and help on different sections of the research. Some of these sheets have sets of questions on to help you with writing up your work. REMEMBER that these sheets are guidelines only, there may be other things that you need to consider for your particular task. MAKE SURE YOU:

Write your work in paragraphs that make sense and NOT as short answers to questions - the examiner won't be able to see the questions.

 Don't just stick to the questions, but you think about other things that you should include in your work.

Task Analysis, Mood Board | Product Analysis | Customer Profile

Research Analysis | Design Specification


It is important that you check your work against the criteria to make sure that your work meets the assessment criteria. This is because these are used to mark your work, and if there are any that are not met, then you will be awarded less marks.

Below, you will find a pages checklist which lists all the pages you need in your folder (with notes) and a checklist for the research criteria. Work through the research criteria checklist, you will need to go back to your folder and do anything that you have not checked off. 

Folder Pages Needed - With Notes | Research Criteria - Checklist