Controlled Assessment - Development

Once you have done your research, you can go on to design and develop your product. You will need to do initial designs, colour designs and then do lots of experimenting with different techniques, processes, modelling etc. You will then be able to make informed decisions about a final idea.

Your development pages should cover:

Initial ideas

Coloured ideas

Proposed final idea and development planning

Development of shape and style

Development of decorative techniques.

Development of construction techniques.

Pattern development/modelling.

Fabric development.

Environmental/social considerations

Final idea and planning the making.

Detailed manufacturing specification.

Page sheets

The links below will link you to the page guideline sheets that we use in class (the coloured laminated ones). These show you the sort of information that you need on the pages.

Initial Ideas | Coloured Ideas | Development Planning, Shape & Style

Decorative/Construction | Environmental, Fabric

How To

The links below will link you to more detailed instructions on how to do some of the development pages and guidelines for the content of those pages.

Development 1 | Development 2 | Initial Ideas

Coloured Ideas | What to Develop | Development Proforma


Below you will find a checklist explaining the marking criteria that you can check off to make sure that you have done everything you need to do in the development section. IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA to refer to this checklist frequently while you are doing your development work.

Criteria and checklist for the development section