GCSE Music Home Page

This is the landing page for GCSE Music.

Use the menus above to find your way to the other sites. All the information you need for the listening and appraising exam (40%) can be found under the different headings.


Follow this link to give you a selection of small revision tasks based on all Areas of Study.

Complete PLC's from each Area of Study to help you figure out what you know and what you need to revise (these can be found under the AOS headings above)

Use YouTube/Spotify to listen to the styles of music regularly - this is the only way to train your ear - immersing yourself in that style of music

Create your own MADTSHIRT exam questions (Question 3 of the exam paper) on the style you are listening to. You only need to base it on 1 minute of the whole piece. 

Go to the Theory section on the previous page if you are struggling with some of the key terminology. It will explain the different elements separately.