Spreadsheets Task 3

Task 3 - Creating the calendar

The staff at the adventure park are going to need a calendar in order to plan the days when they will be working. In this task you will be practicing two very important skills in Excel, the Fill handle tool and the Freeze panes tool.

  1. Using the fill handle tool, create a calendar that will show the days and dates from April 2016 to June 2016. It should look like the calendar below.
  2. Remove the developer toolbar from the ribbon.
  3. Use the 'Freeze panes' tool to make sure that the days at the top of the page are always in view, using the undo tool remove the 'Freeze panes'. Using the repeat typing tool to restore the 'Freeze Panes' option.
  4. Save your spreadsheet as an Excel file.
  5. Resave your spreadsheet as a .csv file.
  6. Re-display the developer toolbar in the ribbon.
  7. Practice minimising and restoring the ribbon.