Spreadsheets Task 9


Due to the success of the adventure park, the Mayor of Christchurch has given the green light for the addition of a small zoo. You will have a certain amount of money to spend, you will need to think about what animals will draw in the public while staying within budget, for example, cows are fairly cheap however they might not draw in the public! This is called a simulation.

In this task you will be learning how to do the following:

  • Format cells to display numbers to specific decimal places
  • Format cells to display date style and the currency symbol
  • Format cells to display percentages
  • Apply cell wrapping and merge cells
  • Add borders

Adventure Land Zoo Planning

Task Instructions

  1. Open the Adventure Land Zoo planning spreadsheet.
  2. Firstly, you must fill in the table on the 'Planning sheet' using information from the 'Animal Costs' sheet. Use formulae and functions to calculate the total costs. Try to use as much of your budget as possible. DO NOT GO OVER BUDGET!
  3. Set conditional formatting on the 'Total initial Cost' and 'Total Monthly Cost' cells so that they will turn green if you are below budget and red if you are over budget.
  4. Set the cells which display costs to accounting and so that they are to 2 decimal places.
  5. Add an outline/inside border around to the Planning table. You can use a colour/border thickness of your choice.
  6. Set all titles in the Planning table to bold and size 14, adjust the width of the columns so that all text fits in cells.
  7. Change the colour of the animals' names in the Planning table to green and bold.
  8. Write a short report underneath the planning table justifying the animals you have selected. Make sure that you merge cells and wrap text so that all of your report can be seen. It should be no more than 100 words.