Product Design Year 7 - Communicating Ideas


During this part of the project we will be looking at different ways for you to communicate your design ideas. Using research you will create a range of designs based around your chosen users interests.

Initially we will look at silhouette art, this is a very traditional art style that will be used design the clockface. You will then look for a range of silhouettes that suit your project.

Using your research you will be able to create a range of designs. When completed you will be able to ask other people their opinions on your design. By gaining others opinions you will be able to further improve your design as they may suggest something you had not thought of.

With your designs complete you will be able to make a final design using the computer, this will be used to make your laser cut veneer.


Activity 1: Silhouette Art

You will be shown a PowerPoint explaining papercutting and silhouette art. The design we laser cut on to the face of your clock will be based around silhouettes so it is important that you pay attention and make notes. This will lead to a home study that will influence your designs.

Activity 2: Initial Ideas

You will need to sketch a range of designs using your silhouette research and moodboards for ideas. The ideas should express the interests of your chosen user. Think about what your user would really like to see in the design and would make it most appealing to them.

Use colour and annotations to make it clear what you are trying to achieve. Remember: The important part of this activity is the idea, do not worry if your drawing isn't excellent.

Peer Assessment: When you have completed the design you will swap with another student and look at each others designs. You will then suggest 1 positive aspect of a design and a target for improvement.

Activity 3: Preparing for laser cutting

The front of your clock will be made using a laser cutter. This machine will cut through the thin wood veneers leaving a very detailed and interesting design.

You will be provided with a worksheet that gives detailed instructions on how to create the laser cut design using computer software called 2D design. Using images off the internet you will be able to create a unique and individual clock that will appeal to your chosen user.

By carefully listening to the demonstration, following the instructions and helping each other you will be able to develop your skills in team working and becoming a more independent learner.

Home Study

  • Collect examples of Paper Cutting Art and Silhouette's you should include at least 5 different images. You will use these to help influence design your clock face. Include some written notes to explain your choice of images.

You should include: A border, title (Silhouette ideas) and your name.

  • Draw a 3-dimensional drawing of your finished product. Ask your chosen user group what they think of it and how it could be improved. You should also include notes that explain what different materials it is made out of.

There is a worksheet provided, you can either work from this or do your drawing free hand.