Pass | Merit | Distinction |
P1 identify an effective strategy for technical improvement through a structured practice routine | M1 describe an effective strategy for technical improvement through a structured practice routine | D1 explain an effective strategy for technical improvement through a structured practice routine |
P2 perform as a soloist competently with minor technical errors that do not detract from the overall performances | M2 perform as a soloist showing confidence and technical competence | D2 perform as a soloist, with technical skill, confidence, musicality and a sense of interpretive style |
P3 perform an individual part as a member of a group with minor technical errors that do not detract from the overall performance. | M3 perform an individual part as a member of a group, with technical competence and confidence. | D3 perform an individual part as a member of a group, showing technical skill, confidence, a sense of ensemble and interpretive style. |
For P1, it would be sufficient for learners to operate to a structured routine following the path set down by a tutor, or text book, etc and achieve progress as a result. Learners will identify what they have done in their routine and how it has affected their technical skill.
For M1 would be an obvious and evidenced refinement of the strategy over time and a corresponding accomplished level of tone production, timing, mechanical skill and phrasing. Learners would also need to describe how their practice using specific exercises has led to the skill improvement. Referring particular studies to particular sections of the performance pieces may help to illustrate this.
D1 learners would use a higher level of analysis of their strategy for technical improvement. Learners would need to comment on why they chose specific exercises for specific aspects of their study and perhaps comment on other exercises that they may have tried. They may also refer to anything that they changed during their practice routine. For example, they may provide details of some elements that proved more difficult to master than others. There is also a place for oral questioning and discussion in determining learners’ approach to their own development if this is carefully evidenced and managed.
For P2 and P3, a musician should execute appropriate repertoire confidently and competently, demonstrating the practical application of technical learning, although there may be minor errors as long as they do not detract from the performance.
For M2 and M3 performance will include technical competence, which will result in a satisfying performance. There will be no noticeable errors in a merit performance.
For D2 and D3, a musician will demonstrate a true command of instrument or voice, ability to make adaptation within the performance as a soloist, with technical confidence and technical skill, musicality, a sense of interpretive style and ensemble.