A Level Computing - COMP1 Problem Solving


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Principles of Computation

Computation is the act of calculating something by mathematical means. In current years it has come to refer to more often to the use of computers to calculate or determine something mathematically, logically or by interactive means.

Computability is a measure of what can and cannot be computed.

Computing is the study of information processes, both natural and artificial.

What Is Computing?

Computing is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

Edsger Dijkistra

Professor Edsger Dijkistra was a Dutch computer scientist who established the mathematical foundation for structured programming and is quite a famous figure in the history of computing.

It is now understood that computation and information processing underpin many other fields and are essential to our understanding of biology, chemistry and physics. Computing is a natural science and has been with us for far longer than we tend to think.

Computing could be considered to date back to the development of early writing systems (Sumerian Writing), early calculating devices (abacus) and the algorithms used by the ancient mathematicians. One such example is the Sieve Of Eratosthenes, an algorithm for calculating prime numbers which you will come to in the C# section. A search for computing history timeline will give you throw up a few overviews that will give you an idea of where the modern science of computing comes from.

An Algorithm describes a process that achieves a useful outcome.

An algorithm describes the process without using a specific programming language. The idea is that the algorithm can be implemented in a range of languages and on a range of platforms that are suitable for the task.

A Program describes a process that achieves a useful outcome.

The program describes the process in a programming language.

Principle: Abstraction

The difference between the terms algorithm and program is subtle. The algorithm describes the general case, the set of steps that are followed whichever programming language you use. This is, if you like, the concept of the program, the idea of it rather than the actual program. It is the process in the abstract. When you create a C# program using the algorithm, you create an instance of that concept, you put the idea into practice. You have to use the specific syntax, terms and language constructs of C# to do that.

Abstraction removes unnecessary details and focuses in on the essentials of the problem.

Principle: Automation

It is the algorithm put into practice.

Exploring Computational Thinking.docx

Problem Solving

Also see Video at bottom of Page

Problem Solving Terms

Term              Definition
GivenThe initial situation - the starting point
GoalThe desired outcome - what you want to achieve
ResourcesThe things that can be used to reach the goal are that impose constraints on how the goal can be reached
ProblemA given where it is not obvious how to reach the goal

Defining A Problem

A problem is well-defined if there is a,

  1.  Clearly defined initial situation
  2. Clearly defined goal
  3. Clearly defined set of resources and constraints
  4. Clear ownership someone is responsible for arriving at the solution

The 'U2' Problem

U2 has a concert that starts in 17 minutes and they must all cross a bridge to get there. All four men begin on the same side of the bridge. You must help them across to the other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each band member walks at a different speed. A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower man's pace.

  • Bono - 1 minute to cross
  • Edge - 2 minutes to cross
  • Adam - 5 minutes to cross
  • Larry - 10 minutes to cross

For example - If Bono and Larry walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge. If Larry then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20 minutes has passed and you have failed the mission.

Explain how to get the band to their concert.

Component             Explanation
GivenU2 have a concert in 17 minutes. They are on the other side of a bridge from where the concert takes place.
ResourcesYou have a single flashlight
ConstraintsEach band member walks at a different speed, the slowest band member determines the speed of any group crossing. The flashlight must be carried on the journey and cannot be thrown across the bridge.
GoalGet all the band members across the bridge in time for the concert.
OwnershipIt's your problem, you have to solve it.

Can you find the answer to this problem?


A boundary is a rule that states what you can and cannot do when working towards the goal. A boundary is a type of constraint. For example, in the U2 problem, we have limited time and limited resources. We cannot throw the flashlight and the men cross at specific speeds and groups cross as quickly as the slowest member.

When solving the problem, we need to understand the constraints before we start. It is also important that we don't impose any constraints that aren't needed because of the way we choose to approach the problem.

Some Problem-Solving Techniques

There are lots of terms used to describe the approaches you might take to solving a problem. Some are listed below.

Technique                             Explanation
Divide & ConquerBreak the problem down into smaller, solvable sub-problems
Gradient Descent/AscentAttempting every step towards the solution (one approach that you might take to the U2 problem) even if it seems to move you temporarily away from the goal
Means-End AnalysisSetting sub-goals that lead to the solution
Trial & ErrorSelect an answer and see if it works, then select another until you happen on the solution
BrainstormingThinking creatively and sifting through ideas for the best ones
Morphological AnalysisLooking at every possible combination of steps in pursuit of a goal
Lateral ThinkingShifting thinking patterns away from the predictable approaches to solving the problem
AnalogyLooking for a similar problem that has already been solved
Hypothesis TestingAssuming an explanation and then testing that assumption

AS COMP1 Problem Solving 1.2.pptx

Problem Solving Introduction.pptx

Problem Solving PseudoCode.pptx

Problem Solving.pptx

Problem Solving 2.ppt

Hierarchy Charts

Top-down design is an approach to problem solving that takes the goal and breaks it down into a series of subgoals that lead to the solution.

A hierarchy chart can be used to describe how this is done in a visual form.

Finding The Hypotenuse

The following diagram shows the steps involved in working out the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle given the lengths of the other two sides. The top box shows the problem that we are solving. From left to right, the steps that lead to the solution can be read off in order on the bottom row of the diagram.

With a more complex problem, you might break down the subgoals into subsubgoals adding rows beneath the current layer of subgoals.

Stepwise Refinement

Another approach to breaking a large problem into smaller parts. It involves identifying the major steps involved in solving the problem. Each of these steps is then divided into the substeps. If necessary, each substep is divided into subsubsteps and so on...

Suppose that our problem is to Do The Weekly Shopping. We could divide the task into 3 major steps,

  • Prepare A Shopping List
  • Do The Shopping
  • Put The Shopping Away

Prepare List can be broken down into the following substeps,

  • Check Cupboards
  • Look In Fridge
  • Write down what is needed

Do The Shopping can be subdivided into,

  • Drive to the shops
  • Select items
  • Pay for items

Put Shopping Away is subdivided into,

  • Unpack shopping
  • Put some food in fridge
  • Put some food in cupboard

The whole process can be represented in a Structure Table. The numbering and indentation are essential features of the structure table. Numbering sometimes begins at 1.

0 Do The Weekly Shopping
0.1 Prepare List
0.1.1 Check Cupboards
0.1.2 Check Fridge
0.1.3 Write Down What Is Needed
0.2 Do Shopping
0.2.1 Drive To Shops
0.2.2 Select Items
0.2.3 Pay For Items
0.3 Put Shopping Away
0.3.1 Unpack Shopping
0.3.2 Put Some Items In Fridge
0.3.3 Put Some Items In Cupboards

The indentation and numbering help us to interpret the table. The greater the indentation, the more detailed the step. Be aware that not all problems will break down into groups of 3 subgoals, each with 3 subgoals - this is just an example. A more complex problem may require several levels of indentation as some subgoals are more complex than others.

Finite State Machines

Also see Video at bottom of Page

What Is A Finite State Machine?

If we start by simply interpreting the words that make up the name of the thing, we can say that a Finite State Machine is a machine that can be in only one of a fixed number of states at any time.

Think about a simple torch which has a single button for on and off. If the torch is off, pressing the button will turn it on. If it's on, pressing the button switches it off.

At the simplest level, the torch can therefore be said to have two states. It is an example of a finite state machine. The outcome of pressing the button depends on the state of the machine when the button is pressed.

Many types of digital machine are examples of FSMs. The computer you are probably using to view this page is one too. This is one of the reasons that you study this topic in Computing - because of the extent to which this concept relates to the architecture of the machines we call computers. It is also here because FSMs can be an important part of software development. There are plenty of tools (proprietary and open source) which allow you to represent FSMs visually using standard diagrams called State Transition Diagrams or Statecharts. You can also represent an FSM in a table called a State Transition Table. Using these tools, developers can work on abstract models of the software being developed. Many of these tools have provision for automatic code generation which allows designs to be implemented efficiently.

State Transition Diagrams

The torch described above can be represented using a State Transition Diagram like the one below.

The boxes are the possible states for the machine. The arrows indicate a transition between two states. The pointer indicates the direction of the change. Each transition is labelled with the input that caused the transition to occur.

Another Example

Imagine a combination lock. It has a keypad with the digits 0 - 9. You need to enter the combination 1, 3 & 5 to unlock the treasure.

When we do a state transition diagram for this, we might do something like this,

The arrow pointing into the locked state indicates the initial state. The double circle for the unlocked state indicates the goal or accepting state.

If you are struggling to follow the diagram, print it out and place your finger on the state marked locked. There are 2 arrows pointing out of this state. They are labelled 1 and not 1. Imagine that something other than a 1 is entered. This arrow points to the locked state - we're going nowhere. Now follow the arrow labelled 1, the correct first digit of the combination. This takes us to State 2, one digit has been correctly entered. From here the paths either take us to State 3, two digits correctly entered or, if we don't enter a 3, return to the initial state, locked. From State 3, we can reach the goal by entering a 5. At this point, we get the treasure.

The FSM above have no output. An FSM with no outputs is called a Finite State Automaton. FSAs have an initial state and at least one accepting state or goal.

Mealy Machines

When an FSM produces an output with each transition between states, it is known as a Mealy Machine. There is no accepting state. In a Mealy Machine, the output depends on both the previous state and the input.
Inputs and outputs are represented in state transition diagrams as you see below.

Vending Machine Example

Imagine a vending machine that sells cans of carbonated sugar water. This one isn't one of those machines that sells drinks made by those scummy international companies with their anti-union practices and hateful exploitation of the world's poorest people. As a result, it only costs 15p for each can of carbonated sugar water.

The machine accepts only 5p and 10p coinage. When 15p has been inserted into the machine, a can of carbonated sugar water is released.

Our Mealy Machine will have only 3 states. These are,
1.Got 0
2.Got 5p
3.Got 10p

When the machine has no money entered towards the cost of the can, it is in the state Got 0. Inserting coinage changes the state. Look carefully, this machine can cater for the different ways that you can arrive at 15p using the two coins. If two 10p coins are inserted, a can is released and the machine moves to the Got 5 state. An extension to this machine might be to cater for the release of change after or before the purchase is completed.

Finite State Machines - June 2012.pdf
AS Comp1 Finite State Machines 1.ppt
AS Comp1 Finite State Machines 2.ppt
Conversion Machine Worksheet.doc

State Transition Tables

A state transition table is a means of recording all of the possible states and transitions for a Finite State Machine. Some software modelling tools will generate code or state transition diagrams from such a table.

Let's return to the model we made for the vending machine. The state diagram looked like this,

!!!FSM Vending Machine!!!

We can record the states and transitions using the following table,

InputCurrent StateOutputNext State
5pGot 0No canGot 5p
10pGot 0No canGot 10p
5pGot 5pNo canGot 10p
10pGot 5pCanGot 0
5pGot 10pCanGot 0
10pGot 10pCanGot 5p

This model could be extended to accept other coinage and to return change to the customer. Currently, the model only shows what happens when the correct coins are entered.

Decision Tables

Decision tables are used to model logic by observing all of the possible conditions and outcomes that can occur.

Imagine that we want to model a person's entitlement to benefits during a period of unemployment. If the person is not 18 or over, they get no entitlement, if they are, they get benefits if they have savings of less than £10000.

We can write this logic out as follows,

If Age >= 18 And Savings < £10000
Then Output "Entitled"
Else Output "Not Entitled"

The corresponding decision table for this scenario is as follows,

ConditionsAge >= 18Y Y N N
Savings < £10000Y N Y N
ActionsOutput "Entitled" x
Output "Not Entitled" x x x

Y & N are used to indicate the possible outcomes of the conditions. An X indicates the action that results from each combination of outcomes. The pattern of Ys & Ns in the table is predictable. Look at what happens if we add a third condition to the table.

If Age >= 18 And Savings < £10000 And Out_Of_Work = True
Then Output "Entitled"
Else Output "Not Entitled"

ConditionsAge >= 18Y Y Y Y N N N N
Savings < £10000Y Y N N Y Y N N
Out_Of_Work = trueY N Y N Y N Y N
ActionsOutput "Entitled"X
Output "Not Entitled"X X X X X X X

Decision Tables Exercises Teacher Answers.doc

Decision Tables Exercises.doc

Algorithm Design

Algorithm Design

Back at the start of this section we defined the term algorithm as a process that achieves a useful outcome. We noted that an algorithm is not written in any specific programming language and may be implemented using different key words and statements depending in which language is chosen to implement the algorithm as a program.

The section on stepwise refinement gave you an example in the following structure table,

0 Do The Weekly Shopping
0.1 Prepare List
0.1.1 Check Cupboards
0.1.2 Check Fridge
0.1.3 Write Down What Is Needed
0.2 Do Shopping
0.2.1 Drive To Shops
0.2.2 Select Items
0.2.3 Pay For Items
0.3 Put Shopping Away
0.3.1 Unpack Shopping
0.3.2 Put Some Items In Fridge
0.3.3 Put Some Items In Cupboards

Having gone through this process, adding detail to each of the vague steps we began with, we can essentially see the terms that are indented furthest as being our algorithm.

We could therefore see our algorithm as being,

Check Cupboards
Check Fridge
Write Down What Is Needed
Drive To Shops
Select Items
Pay For Items
Unpack Shopping
Put Some Items In Fridge
Put Some Items In Cupboards

When we write our instructions in the order in which they should be executed, we are showing an appreciation of sequence. This is the simplest of concepts in algorithm design</td><td>the statements are executed in order and, when we design our own algorithms, we must pay attention to the sequence of our instructions.


Sometimes our actions will depend on the outcome of a decision (see Decision Tables). We use the term Selection to refer to the parts of our algorithms that depend on the outcome of a decision.


Sometimes an algorithm will require something to be done repeatedly until a condition is met. For example, when we inflate a tyre, we continue to add air until the tyre is fully inflated. Sometimes we repeat statements until a condition is met, sometimes we repeat them while something remains true.

We use the term Iteration or Repetition to refer to those repeating sections of our algorithm.


We use the term assignment for an expression where the left hand side is assigned the value of the right hand side.

For example,
Number ← 5
The left-pointing arrow is a common symbol for assignment.

Introduction to Algorithms.ppt

Structured English

Structured English is a way of describing an algorithm using a small subset of the English language and a few simple conventions.

There are no clear standards for Structured English.


An instruction in Structured English should being with a verb.

For example,

INPUT hours worked
MULTIPLY hours worked by rate of pay

When you have reached the section of the programming guides on procedures and functions, you will learn that it is common to group a series of statements like this into one logical block of code with a unique name in the program.

Imagine we had labelled the above algorithm with the unique name CalculatePay. We might then refer to this group of statements as follows,

DO CalculatePay


In Structured English we use the term SET when we assign a value to a variable. For example,

SET hoursworked to 40


We have 3 main options to show selection in our algorithms,

  1. IF ... Then
  2. IF ... Then ... Else ...
  3. SELECT ...

For example,

IF error found

IF error found

And finally,
SELECT VALUE errorNumber
1: OUTPUT "Error Number 1"
3: OUTPUT "Error Number 3"
5: OUTPUT "That's a bad miss"

The indentation is good practice, makes the code easier to read and has to be seen as a compulsory part of the process.


We can represent repetition in our algorithms using the following constructs in Structured English

FOR EACH employee
DO CalculatePay

REPEAT UNTIL no more employee records
READ next employee record
READ hours worked
READ pay rate
MULTIPLY pay rate by hours worked

And finally,
DO WHILE more employee records to process
READ next employee record
READ hours worked
READ pay rate
MULTIPLY pay rate by hours worked


Pseudocode is so named to reflect the fact that although it is like code, it is not actual programming code. Pseudo means false.

The syntax of pseudocode is less strict than the syntax of a programming language</td><td>there is no compiler or debugger telling you that you have not placed a semi-colon at the end of the line.

There are lots of versions of pseudocode and no single standard.

We tend to write a little more detail in pseudocode than we do in Structured English. It is, perhaps, a little closer to the code we may write in our programming language.


As before, statements are written in the order in which they need to be executed. Look carefully at the example to see how input, output and assignment are handled in pseudocode.

Input Hours
Input Rate
Wage ← Hours * Rate
Output wage


If hours > 40
overtime ← hours</td><td>40
pay ← pay + overtime * 3.75
EndIfIf average > 50
THEN Output "Pass"
ELSE Output "Fail"
EndIfIf x In [0 ... 9, A, B, C, D, E, F]
THEN Output "Valid Hex"
ELSE Output "Bad Hex"
EndIfCase x Of
1: Output "January"
2: Output "February"
3: Output "March"


For x ← 1 To 12
Output x

This executes the statement, Output x 12 times. The variable x is called a stepper variable. Each time the loop executes, the value of x increases by 1. The output from this algorithm would be the numbers 1 to 12.

x ← x + 1
Until x = 6

In this example, the statement within the construct will be executed at least once. If the code prior to that shown in the example makes x have a value that cannot reach six by repeatedly adding 1, the loop will continue indefinitely or until an overflow occurs because these is not enough memory to store the value of x. The loop executes at least once.

While x < 6 Do
x ← x + 1

In this example, the value of x is examined before executing the statements contained within the loop. The statement will not execute if, at this point in the program, x has a value of 6 or greater.

For Each x In [5, 7, 9]
Output x

From Pseudocode To C#

The following pseudocode describes an algorithm for adding two numbers together and reporting their sum and average.

Input Number1
Input Number2
Sum ← Number1 + Number2
Average ← Sum / 2
Output Sum, Average

When we write this in C#, we get the following,

double number1;
double number2;
double sum;
double average;
Console.Write("Input Number 1: ");
number1 = System.Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Input Number 2: ");
number2 = System.Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
sum = number1 + number2;
average = sum / 2;
Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0}, Average: {1}", sum, average);

There is quite a difference. When we write an algorithm, we are more concerned with whether we are doing the right thing to achieve the result than we are with the exact form of the statements that we need in a programming language. As a result, our actual code is longer and more fussy. Ultimately, it is easier to see if the logic of the algorithm is correct in the shorter, more concise form offered by pseudocode.

Programming Flowcharts

Flowcharts are used in a variety of contexts to describe and plan different types of objects. Program flowcharts describe or model programs and algorithms independently of any programming language.

You will see all sorts of symbols in tools or shapes for flowcharting. To model an algorithm or program, we need the following symbols.


The following example shows how you can use the decision shape to model iteration within a program flowchart.


Trace tables are used by programmers to track the values of variables as they change throughout the program. This is useful when a program is not producing the desired result.

Look at the following program extract. The program is supposed to calculate the sum of the squares of a series of numbers entered by the user. The user enters -1 when they have reached the end of their list of numbers.

n:= 0;
total:= 0;
while n<>-1 do
write('Please enter a number');
total:= total + n * n;
writeln('Total= ', n:8:2);

Assume that the following order of input is used</td><td>2, 5, 3, 1, -1.

To find out why this program is not working, first work out what the expected result should be.

To make a trace table, we write out the variables used in the program and any expressions that are evaluated by ifs or whiles. We read the program, line by line, writing in the values as they are set and only write information into the table when it changes.

Copy and complete the table to show what this code actually produces. Explain the nature of the problem.

nn * ntotaln <>-1

Another Algorithm

x ← 4
y ← 3
Result ← Result * x
y ← y - 1
Until y = 0
